Archived Agenda

Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee

Buddy Meetze

Susan Brill

Bernice Scott, Chair

Greg Pearce

Thelma Tillis

District 1

District 9

District 10

District 6

District 3

Tuesday, May 23, 2000, 5:00 PM

Richland County Council Chambers
County Administration Building
2020 Hampton Street

Call To Order

Approval of Minutes - April 25: Regular Session Meeting - (Pages 2-4)

Adoption of Agenda

Items for Action

  1. Budget Amendment for the Broad River Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade - (Pages 5-6)
  2. Award of Contract for Phase II of the Atlas Road Sanitary Sewer Project - (Pages 7-8)
  3. Changer Order in the Nazery Circle Construction Contract - (Pages 9-10)
  4. Purchase of Equipment for the County Road Maintenance Division - (Pages 11-12)
  5. Resolution to Participate in the Central Midlands Regional Transportation Authority - (Pages 13-14)
  6. Award of Contracts for data analysis for GIS and Public Works - (Pages 15-17)

Items Pending Analysis

  1. Citizen Complaints about Genesis Cable Company
  2. Increase in tipping fee at Richland County Landfill
  3. Impact of the Closing of City of Columbia Landfill

Items for Information / Discussion

  1. Gills Creek Restoration Project


Staffed by Ash Miller

Richland County Council

Development & Services Committee

April 25, 2000

5:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Bernice G. Scott, Chair; Buddy Meetze; Susan Brill; Greg Pearce; Thelma Tillis

OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen Morris, Paul Livingston, James Tuten, Joseph McEachern, Tony Mizzell, Kit Smith, Andy Metts, Marsheika G. Martin, Sherry Wright, T. Cary McSwain, Michielle Cannon-Finch, Pam Davis, Malik Whitaker, Milton Pope, Tony McDonald, Tonya Dunham, Judy Carter, Ralph Pearson, Rodolfo Caldwell, Ash Miller, Chief Harrell, Mullen Taylor


The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m.

Approval of Minutes – March 28: Regular Session Meeting

Mr. Pearce moved, seconded by Mr. Meetze, to approve the minutes. The vote in favor was unanimous.


Mr. McSwain stated the MS4/NPDES permit on the storm water drainage management program needed to be placed on the agenda. Mr. Pearce moved, seconded by Mr. Meetze, to adopt the agenda as amended. The vote in favor was unanimous.


Budget Amendment for the Atlas Road Sewer Project

Ms. Sherry Wright, Grants Coordinator, stated a cash match in the amount of $48,900.00 is requested. Mr. Morris requested minutes of the meeting when this item was first approved and provide a copy to all Council members. Ms. Tillis moved, seconded by Ms. Scott, to approve the appropriation of $48,900.00 from the fund balance to provide a cash match for the Atlas Road Sewer Project grant. The vote in favor was unanimous.

National Pollution Elimination Discharge System Permit

Mr. McSwain stated there is an approximate $500,000.00 increase in next year’s budget to address this for managing storm drainage systems in the County. Public Works is requesting an additional $88,410.00 in authorization beyond the original amount. He stated the money would come from the storm drainage bond.  

Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee
April 25, 2000
Page Two

Mr. Pearce moved, seconded by Ms. Brill, to approve additional funding for the permit. The vote in favor was unanimous.


Increase in tipping fee at Richland County Landfill

Mr. McSwain requested Council to approve an increase in the tipping fee at the Richland County C&D Landfill from $18.50 per ton to $22.00 per ton.

Mr. Meetze requested raising the fee to $25.00 per ton or find a median to break even.

Mr. McEachern and Mr. Tuten requested staff to find out the life expectancy of the fourth quadrant.

Mr. Meetze moved, seconded by Mr. Pearce, to leave this item in committee until the Administrator has further information. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Amendment to the Richland County Zoning Ordinance

Mr. Larry Smith, County Attorney, stated this item would be taken up on May 1st by the Planning Commission

Water/Sewer Work Session

Mr. McSwain stated a date is needed for a work session. He recommended prior to the May 9th meeting at 4:30 p.m., after the item is taken up with the City of Columbia. Mr. Tuten stated some of the funding requests expire June 30th and the item needed to be discussed soon. Mr. Meetze moved, seconded by Ms. Brill, to hold a work session on May 9th at 4:30 and refer to the Special Called Meeting. The vote in favor was unanimous.


Report on Genesis Cable Company

Mr. Milton Pope, Assistant County Administrator, stated a meeting is scheduled at Summit Parkway on May 1st at 7:00 p.m. He stated staff would meet with Attorney Greg Lark prior to the meeting. Mr. Pope stated notices have been sent out to residents regarding complaints. Mr. Bob Cambpell, Regional Director for Benchmark Cable, would also be in attendance.

Ms. Scott requested for staff to find out approximately how many customers this cable company serves.

Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee
April 25, 2000
Page Three

Broad River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

Mr. McSwain reported the plant is permitted at 2-1/2 million gallons a day. He stated there is a request to upgrade the plant to produce 6 million gallons a day. Mr. McSwain stated the Utilities Department requested the County to examine the capacity needs and also to find out where the growth is, where it is going to occur, the impact on the sewer plant and what the 6 million gallons a day upgrade would accommodate. He stated one of the potential sources of funds would be the state revolving bond at 3.5% until June 30th.

Mr. Andy Metts, Director of Utilities and Services, stated the upgrade would not increase user fees or tap fees. He stated there are surplus funds in the Broad River Regional Enterprise Fund Depreciation Account.

A discussion took place.

Mr. Meetze moved, seconded by Ms. Brill, to approve the Broad River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade along with the funding strategy as recommended by the Director of Utilities. The vote in favor was unanimous.


The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:50 p.m.

Submitted by,     Bernice G. Scott, Chair

The minutes were transcribed by Marsheika G. Martin    

Richland County Council Request of Action

Subject: Broad River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade
Land Acquisition and Engineering Services Contract
  1. Purpose
  2. To seek County Council’s approval of a budget amendment to utilize existing funds in the Broad River Regional Enterprise Fund for Land acquisition and engineering services.

  3. Background

    A depreciation account has been established in the Broad River Regional (BRR) Sewer System Enterprise Fund for the purpose of repair, replacement or upgrade of existing facilities. County Council has authorized the County staff to proceed with the upgrade plans to the treatment facility. Funding for this upgrade is to be pursued through the State Revolving Fund (SRF) with the revenues from sewer tap fees and user fees to be pledged to repay the dept service.

    The SRF funding program requires that all real property be acquired and lien fees for all projects for which SRF funds are used. Additional land will be required as part of the BRR upgrade plans. This land must be purchased prior to SRF land closing.

    Final Engineering design plans must also be complete before SRF loan closing. All cost associated with engineering services are eligible for reimbursement through the SRF loan. Funds must be made available to cover all engineering cost up front in order to enter into an engineering design contract.

  1. Financial Impact

    Funds are available in the BRR Enterprise Fund to cover all cost associated with land acquisition and engineering services. Once SRF funds are obtained, that portion of the BRR Enterprise Fund used to fund engineering services will be reimbursed. No General fund revenue will be required to fund this action.

  1. Alternatives

    1. Do not approve the budget amendment. - The wastewater treatment plant upgrade process will be halted until another funding source can be identified.
    2. Approve the budget amendment. – The upgrade will proceed as planned with land acquisition and engineering expenses being funded by the BRR Enterprise Fund.
    3. Approve the budget amendment with an alternative funding source. – No alternative funding sources have been identified. Fund balance could be considered as a possible alternative.

  2. Recommendation

It is recommended that County Council approve a budget amendment that would allow the use of up to $1,200,000.00 from the BRR Enterprise Fund for land acquisition and engineering expenses required for the upgrade to the wastewater treatment plant.

Recommended by: Andy H. Metts Department: Utilities & Services Date: 3/7/00

  1. Approvals


Approved by: Tonya Dunham Date: 5/5/00

Comments: This project will be funded through the Broad River Sewer Enterprise Fund. No General Fund funds will be used.


Approved as to form by: Bradley T. Farrar Date: 5/11/00

Comments: Approval is only as to funding. Any contract for purchase of property, procurement of design services or other agreement must be separately reviewed and approved.


Approved by: Tony McDonald Date: 5/15/00

Comments: Recommend first reading approval of a budget amendment setting aside up to $1,200,000 in the Broad River Enterprise Fund for land acquisition and engineering services. The contracts for the land purchase and the engineering services will be brought back to the Council for consideration at the appropriate time.

Richland County Council Request of Action

Subject: Atlas Road Sanitary Sewer Project – Phase II

A. Purpose

The purpose of this report is to seek County Council’s approval to enter into a contract with the lowest responsive bidder for the construction of Phase II of the Atlas Road Sanitary Sewer Project.

B. Background / Discussion

The construction of the sewer main lines in Phase I of the Atlas Road Sanitary Sewer Project is complete. Work is underway to eliminate all septic tanks and connect the existing houses in their phase to the sewer system. Additional grant funds have to be obtained to allow for the construction of Phase II.

Engineering plans have been prepared and permitted for Phase II of the Atlas Road sewer project. These plans were advertised and bids were received on April 27, 2000. The following is a list of bidders from the lowest to the highest:

1. Site Group
$ 734,866.75
2. Trussel Brothers Const. Inc.
$ 756,953.00
3. Wateree Construction
$ 877,176.00
4. B.F. MaMahon, Inc.
$ 921,610.00
5. McClam & Assoc. Inc.
$ 941,958.50
6. Moorhead Const.
$ 977,274.50
7. G.H. Smith Const.
$ 1,022,305.00

C. Financial Impact

Approximately $777,631 in CDBG grant funds are available for use in the construction of the sewer system to serve this area. These funds are sufficient to cover the construction cost of the low bidder.

D. Alternatives

  1. Award the construction contract to the low bidder.
  2. Award the construction contract to any other bidder - this action may require additional funds.
  3. Re-advertise the project for bid - this action will delay the construction for a minimum of three additional months.
  4. Do nothing - grant funds will be lost and environmental conditions will remain the same.

E. Recommendation

It is recommended that County Council approve the award of a construction contract to Site Group for Phase II of the Atlas Road Sanitary Sewer Project in the amount of $734,866.75, plus a 5% contingency.

Recommended by: Andy H. Metts Department: Utilities & Services Date: 4/4/00

F. Approvals


Approved by: Tonya Dunham Date: 5/5/00

Comments: CDBG grant is sufficient to cover low bid plus 5% contingency.


Approved by: Rodolfo A. Callwood Date: 5/5/00

Comments: Bid 027-B-00


Approved by: Sherry Wright Date: 5/5/00



Approved as to form by: Bradley T. Farrar Date: 5/8/00



Approved by: Tony McDonald Date: 5/11/00

Comments: Recommend award of contract to the low bidder for construction of Phase II of the Atlas Road Sewer Project, contingent upon the Council giving third reading to the pending budget amendment that will appropriate the required matching funds for this project.

Richland County Council Request of Action

Subject: Nazery Circle – Contract No. RC-CN-24

A. Purpose

County Council’s consideration of change order number 1 for the subject project is requested.

B. Background / Discussion

At its meeting of May 5, 1999, County Council approved the award of a construction contract to Brakefield Construction Company for paving Nazery Circle and Olympia Avenue. The work covered under that contract is now substantially complete. During recent heavy rains, however, it became evident that substantial areas of private property on either side of Nazery Circle were subject to flooding due to the fact that the area is a natural depression, known as a Coxville Bottom, from which there is no natural drainage outlet. Although correction of this type of problem is normally beyond the scope of a road paving project such as this, it was determined that it could be corrected relatively inexpensively by installation of additional storm drainage lines, all of which would be located within the road right-of-way. For this reason, the contractor was requested to submit a proposed change order for the work and subsequently authorized to proceed. The work has been completed.

The change order adds $40,873.00 to the contract amount. Since this exceeds $10,000 or 10% of the original contract amount, County Council’s approval is required before payment can be made to the contractor.

C. Financial Impact

"C" funds are available to cover this additional cost. No County funds are requested.

D. Alternatives

The alternatives available are:

  1. Approve the change order Disapprove the change order.
  2. This is not considered a realistic alternative since the contractor has already performed the work and he did it in good faith upon authorization from this office. Under this alternative, the contractor cannot be paid for the work.

E. Recommendation

Alternative 1 is recommended.

Recommended by: Ralph B. Pearson, P.E. Department: Public Works Date: 5/4/00

F. Approvals


Approved as to form by: Bradley T. Farrar Date: 5/8/00



Approved by: Tonya Dunham Date: 5/8/00

Comments: C Funds are available to cover this cost.


Approved by: Rodolfo A. Callwood Date: 5/9/00


Richland County Transportation Committee

Approved by: Jim Prater Date: 5/12/00



Approved by: Tony McDonald Date: 5/15/00

Comments: Recommend approval of the change order. C Funds are available to cover the cost of the additional work; therefore, no County funds are required.

Richland County Council Request of Action

Subject: Public Works Equipment

A. Purpose

County Council’s consideration of bids for several pieces of equipment for the Road Maintenance Division of Public Works is requested.

B. Background / Discussion

In the FY 1999/2000 Public Works budget, funds were approved for the purchase of one Backhoe/Loader, one Walking Excavator and one tandem axle dump truck under line items 3020.5313 and 3020.5314. Bids were received by the Procurement Dept. on April 11, 2000 for the Walking Excavator and April 13, 2000 for the Backhoe/Loader. The dump truck is to be procured through the State purchasing contract. A tabulation of the bids follows:


(Low Bid)

Blanchard Machinery Van Lott Mitchell Dist. S.C. Tractor Budget
$36,931.00 $40,280.00 $44,862.00 $38,014.00 $50,000

Walking Excavator

(Low Bid)

A.E. Finley Pioneer Machinery Budget
$130,179.00 $141,217.00  
$ 5,899.00 Optional AC $ 3,500.00 Optional AC  
Total $136,078.00 Total $144,717.00 $145,000.00

Tandem Dump Truck

(State Contract)

Love Chevrolet Budget
$64,569.31 $60,000.00


Total amount of Bids Total amount of Budget
$237,578.31 $255,000.00

The Backhoe/Loader is intended to replace a 1985 John Deere 310B currently in use which is 8 years out of its life cycle and, therefore, uneconomical to maintain. The tandem dump truck replaces a 1985 Ford F800 single axle dump truck that is also out of life cycle. All major repairs on both units are non-contract under our fleet maintenance contract with First Vehicle Services.

The Walking Excavator is intended to add additional support to the ditch maintenance crew throughout Richland County. This piece of equipment is unique in that it is capable of operating in existing ditches and in several feet of water. It can eliminate the need for clearing and grubbing of side areas for movement of the equipment.

C. Financial Impact

As shown above, the total for all three purchases is $17,421.69 under budget.

D. Alternatives

The alternatives available are:

  1. Approve all three purchases at the low bids shown above.
  2. Reject any or all of the bids

E. Recommendation

Alternative 1 is recommended.

Recommended by: Ralph B. Pearson, P.E. Department: Public Works Date: 5/3/2000


F. Approvals


Approved as to form by: Bradley T. Farrar Date: 5/8/00



Approved by: Tonya Dunham Date: 5/8/00

Comments: Funds are available in the 99/00 Public Works budget for this purchase.


Approved by: Rodolfo A. Callwood Date: 5/9/00

Comments: Backhoe/Loader Bid 022-B-00, Walking Excavator Bid 020-B-00, and Tandem Dump Truck (State Contract numbers C801001001 Cab & Chassis and C7000330001 Dump Body)


Approved by: Tony McDonald Date: 5-10-00

Comments: Recommend acceptance of the low bids for the backhoe/loader and walking excavator, and recommend purchase of the tandem dump truck from the State Contract. These items were included in the Public Works FY 1999-00 budget; therefore, no additional funds are required.

Richland County Council Request of Action

Subject: Creation of a Regional Transportation Authority

A. Purpose

Central Midlands Council of Governments is requesting that County Council participate in a Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) by approving (1) a resolution that authorizes membership and (2) an agreement with the other participating local governments that will create the Authority.

B. Background / Discussion

On April 27, 2000, the Central Midlands Board recommended that its member governments create an authority that could assume ownership and operation of the current SCE&G public transit system.

To participate in the proposed RTA, Richland County would first need to approve a resolution authorizing membership and accepting the proposed plan of service. This plan outlines the following:

  1. Area served - City of Columbia, Richland County, Town of Springdale, Town of Arcadia Lakes, City of Cayce, City of Forest Acres, and City West Columbia
  2. Service Procedures - Area will be served by fixed route bus and paratransit services, which will likely be managed and maintained under contract with a private firm
  3. Operating and Capital Costs - Initially funded through contributions by SCDOT and SCE&G with operating revenue contributing to the operating costs

In addition to the resolution, Council would need to approve entering into an agreement with the other participating local governments to create the Authority.

C. Financial Impact

According to the agreement, funds will be provide by "revenues form the Authority's transportation system, governmental grants, franchising contract, contributions from SCANA Corporation and its subsidiary South Carolina Electric and Gas, and as may be appropriated by the governing bodies of the members of the Authority." There is no anticipated need for local contributions during he first five years of the Authority's operation.

D. Alternatives

    1. Approve the resolution and agreement allowing Richland County to participate in the RTA
    2. Do not approve the resolution and agreement and refuse to participate in the RTA

E. Recommendation

Recommended by: J. Milton Pope Department: Administration Date: 5/4/00

It is recommended that Council approve the resolution and agreement allowing Richland County to participate in the RTA.

F. Approvals


Approved by: Tonya Dunham Date: 5/5/00

Comments: No County funds anticipated to be needed for the first five years of the agreement.


Approved as to form by: Bradley T. Farrar Date: 5/8/00



Approved by: J. Milton Pope Date: 5/8/00


Richland County Council Request of Action

Subject: Award of Contract for GIS Data Analysis

A. Purpose

Council is requested to approve an award of contract for two projects in the amount of $27,000 each to Thomas & Hutton Engineering to perform data analysis for the Information Technology (GIS) and Public Works Departments.

B. Background / Discussion

Project 1

Phase II of the National Pollution Discharge and Elimination Program (NPDES) will require that small municipalities and county governments determine the sources of and demonstrate improvement of their storm water discharges. The purpose of managing storm water discharges is to improve the quality of waters in the United States. The development of a storm sewer system map showing the location of major pipes, outfalls, and topography is one of the NPDES permit requirements. Richland County is taking a pro-active approach by collecting data that will be necessary for the permit application as well as satisfying other County objectives.

The scope of services will include four distinct phases:

PHASE I –Development of a Countywide Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using LIDAR Topography PHASE II – Development of a Regional Watershed Map using the LIDAR DEM

PHASE III – Formulation of Storm Sewer Inventory Strategy

PHASE IV – Inventory of Major Pipes and Outfalls using the Formulated Strategy


Project 2

Curve Number (CN) is a drainage parameter used in the United States for the computer simulation of single storm (short-term) events in ungauged watersheds. The CN characterizes the drainage area in terms of hydrologic soil type and land cover class. With advances in spatial technology, the computation of curve number can be achieved with great accuracy and efficiency. To achieve a CN dataset, a soils and land cover or land use map are required inputs.

The scope of services will include four distinct phases:

PHASE I – Hydrologic Classification of Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Soils Coverage
PHASE II – Creation of a Land Cover Dataset Designed for Drainage Analysis
PHASE III – Creation of a Curve Number Relate Table
PHASE IV – Creation of a Curve Number Dataset

A grid-approach will be used for the creation of a CN dataset. Each cell will be assigned the key- ID based on the land cover and associated hydrologic soil group. The output will be linked to the CN relate table and CN grid will be created.

Richland County will provide the contractor with the appended, countywide NRCS soils coverage.

Multispectral satellite imagery must be purchased, rectified using County datasets, and classified into landcover classes. Arrangements for purchase of these data will be made and agreed upon before work begins.

Richland County will provide pertinent ancillary data for assisting in land cover classification, including digital photography and LIDAR intensity return (if available) for distinguishing between certain impervious features and sand classes.


Selection Justification

As Richland County is utilizing technologies that are new to the commercial sector, there are very few engineering firms that have actual experience with these tools and data. At this time, Richland County is only the third county in the eastern United States to exploit the benefits of remote sensing technologies, such as Lidar (light detecting and ranging). The first county to use Lidar for the creation of an elevation model contracted their project to the University of Florida Engineering Department. That project utilized University aircraft and federal grant funds to purchase the sensor. Chatham County, Georgia was the second county in the region to use Lidar. They contracted to the team of Waggoner Engineering and Thomas & Hutton Engineering to collect, process, and provide applications for the Lidar-derived elevation dataset. Waggoner (Jackson, MS) acquired and processed the data while Thomas & Hutton produced an elevation model, watershed model, and other engineering products from the resulting mass point set. Waggoner and Thomas & Hutton submitted a combined proposal for the collection of elevation data and derivation of data products under Richland County RFP 010-P-00. That proposal was the only one of twelve submissions that included post processing data applications.

In addition to the Lidar dataset, the statement of work requires processing and classification of multispectral satellite imagery. Other than universities and government programs (federal and state), the majority of engineering firms in the U.S. have yet to exploit remote sensing technologies.

Combining the uniqueness of project criteria for multispectral remote sensing and Lidar data manipulation, Thomas & Hutton Engineering will provide Richland County with the only commercial experience available for this project in the Southeastern U.S.

C. Financial Impact

The $54,000 necessary for these contracts was approved in the FY99/00 GIS Budget. No additional funding is necessary.

D. Alternatives

    1. Approve the award contracts
    2. Do not approve the award of contracts

E. Recommendation

It is recommended that Council approve the contracts not to exceed the amount of $27,000 each ($54,000 total) to Thomas and Hutton Engineering.

Recommended by: Patrick Bresnahan, GIS Coordinator Date: 5/10/00

F. Approvals


Approved by: Tonya Dunham Date: 5/16/00

Comments: Funds have been budgeted for this purpose and no additional funding is necessary.


Approved by: Rodolfo A. Callwood Date: 5/16/00

Comments: Thomas and Hutton has been qualified as a responsible professional engineering company.


Approved by: Larry Smith Date: 5/16/00



Approved by: Tony McDonald Date: 5/16/00

Comments: It is recommended that Council approve the award of contract to Thomas and Hutton Engineering for both projects not to exceed the amount of $27,000 each ($54,000 total). Funding is available in the current fiscal year budget and no additional funds are necessary.